A proud centenarian
The McGill News published its first issue in December 1919. Through two world wars, a Cold War, a space race, the rise of the internet and musical eras that span Bix Beiderbecke, Bing Crosby, the Beatles, Bowie and Beyoncé, the McGill News has turned up in the mailboxes (and now the inboxes) of McGill graduates for more than a century.
The McGill News is a predominantly English language publication that regularly highlights the achievements of McGill’s graduates and provides the latest news about the University.
Story ideas?
If you know of something that you think might be of interest to McGill alumni, send the details to McGill News editor Daniel McCabe at daniel.mccabe@mcgill.ca. Bear in mind that we receive plenty of story pitches and we can’t act on all of them, but we do promise to give your idea serious consideration.
Alum Notes
The McGill News publishes a section called “Alum Notes” in our Winter and Summer editions that gives graduates the opportunity to keep up to date on the lives of former classmates and to share their own news with our readers. Submissions should be no more than three sentences or so. We reserve the right to edit submissions. Alum Note items can be sent to news.alumni@mcgill.ca.
In Memoriam
In the Spring and Fall editions of the McGill News, we publish the names of graduates and former faculty and staff members who have passed away in recent months. If you know of such an individual and you would like to see their name appear in the magazine’s “In Memoriam” section, please send the name, the date of death, and the city in which it took place, along with a link to an online obituary, to news.alumni@mcgill.ca.
Our address
If you’d like to send us something by mail, you can reach us here:
McGill News, 1430 Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 3T3.