Psychiatry & Psychology

Screen shot from The Truman Show Health

The McGill brothers who wrote the book on delusions

Ian and Joel Gold, the sons of a legendary McGill medical professor, have made their own mark as the co-authors of a book on delusions thanks to their passion for philosophy and psychiatry – and a Jim Carrey movie.


Treating the pandemic’s psychological scars

McGill psychiatry professor Alain Brunet has received international attention for his innovative approach to treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His techniques have been proven to be beneficial for the victims of terror attacks and violent crimes.


New wave of McGill research projects supported by MI4 Fund

Wondering what progress is being made toward developing effective COVID-19 vaccines? Curious about the psychological impact of the pandemic? McGill researchers are on the case, with support from the MI4 Emergency COVID-19 Research Fund.


Tonight’s homework is getting enough sleep

Reut Gruber's research highlights how too many young people aren’t getting enough sleep and the consequences that has for their performance at school. She is working with teachers now to bring that message directly to students during the school day.


Conjuring up a new approach to placebos

Back when he was a professional magician, Jay Olson learned a lot about the power of suggestion. Now he is using that knowledge to pursue doctoral research on the potential healing effects of placebo treatments.


When finding friends is a struggle

As a therapist and as a researcher, McGill doctoral student Miriam Kirmayer, BA’10, has earned a reputation for her expertise on the subject of young adults and friendship. She knows that making new friends can be a tough challenge for twentysomethings.


The trouble with tone of voice

Imagine someone saying this in a sad voice: “I can’t believe you just did that.” Now, imagine it said with lots of snark. Tone of voice can significantly change the meaning of a sentence – and according to recent research, that meaning can be difficult for teens to decode.


Does the brain get in the way of superhuman feats?

In his new book, science writer and former McGill track star Alex Hutchinson, BSc’97, looks at the role that the mind plays when athletes set out to push past the limits of what seems to be physically possible.

Person holding a game controller in front of a TV Health

The case for cutting back on Call of Duty

Research led by associate professor of psychiatry Véronique Bohbot, BA’90, suggests that there could be health risks related to playing first-person shooter video games too frequently.

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