Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

A close up of a bug on a person's finger. Webcasts

Tick Talk: understanding and preventing tick-borne illnesses

Tune in for expert advice on detecting ticks, understanding Lyme Disease and protecting your health.

Female doctor showing an iPad to a male patient. Webcasts

How genomic medicine is transforming healthcare

Imagine a world where your unique genetic makeup can be used to tailor your medical care, and where illnesses and disease are treated with pinpoint accuracy.

Illustration of a DNA string being manipulation by both human and robot hands Health

New non-profit targets under-researched diseases

McGillians are playing key roles in Conscience, a new non-profit initiative that hopes to use artificial intelligence and a “team sport” approach to encourage research into the rare diseases and potential threats that Big Pharma tends to ignore.

Woman sitting on a couch huddled under a blanket and drinking a hot beverage Webcasts

Is COVID on the rise again?

Wastewater doesn’t lie. COVID-19 cases are rising once more, just as many of us prepare to celebrate the holiday season with friends and family.

Michel Chrétien sitting in front of a group of scientists Health

An influential scientist (inside and outside his lab)

Michel Chrétien, MSc’62, hasn’t just been a witness to the evolution of medical science in Quebec and Canada. He has also been a major player. (Cet article est disponible en français.)

Lesley Fellows and Viviane Yargeau On Campus

Trailblazing deans

Two Faculties recently made McGill history with the appointments of their first female deans. Vivianne Yargeau (Engineering) and Lesley Fellows, BSc’90, MDCM’96, MedResident’01 (Medicine and Health Sciences) talk about their careers and the work they hope to do in their new roles.

Frederick Bertley jumping with vaporous Erlenmeyer flask People

Science with ‘a funky, cool vibe’

As an immunologist, Frederic Bertley, BSc’94, PhD’00, once worked on vaccines for HIV/AIDS at Harvard. Now, he shares his passion for discovery as the head of an award-winning science museum in the U.S.

Illustration of a doctor standing beside an MRI machine Health

Betting big on open science

The Neuro and its Tanenbaum Open Science Institute are committed to making its research as freely available and transparent as possible, while encouraging other neuroscience institutions to do the same.

David Kaiser smiling Health

Helping Montreal prepare for the next public health emergency

As the deputy medical director at Montreal Public Health, David Kaiser, BSc’03, MDCM’09, MSc’13, oversees emergency preparedness. His holistic perspective on health issues was forged, in part, during his environmental sciences studies at McGill.

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